Scrabble Philosophy

So, scrabble philosophy. A personal project kicking around for a while. Using the values attributed to a letter in Scrabble, I started to build equations.

So for the equation LIFE = LOVE

L= 1 , I = 1 , F = 4 , E = 1 , O = 1 , V = 4

LIFE = 7. LOVE = 7

Seriously, they take ages.

While it started off as a copy exercise, my intention is to build a collection and turn these into a book you might read while on the toilet.

I think that’s where this kind of thing belongs. Next to the books of dad jokes, bunny suicides, and lies to tell your kids.

Rather than stick to this art direction, the goal would be to actually build them and photograph them with the tiles.

Although the project isn't done yet, I'm putting this on here so no one steals my idea.

Not that anyone would, but still.

Maybe one day a cult will use this to live their lives by and I will be thier God.
