Last days of Home

 One day I woke up 

My nerves a little shook up

Dreams of sitting beggin and two girls 

Shitting in my beggin cup

Now it Feels like down was up

Oh well

Show my tell 

Now that ends meet is worth the rub

I’m Just a little broke fuck

carry on the spending all the donated shit

Passing round that video like we did when we were kids 

Pulling pixelated parasitic moths out my pockets,

Staring at My Bank statement it’s looking all 8bit

Obsolete floor mat

Beta max doormats

And fat cats

The bank teller's pouring pain from the salt seller

lighting paper

Holdings flames to the lies that they tried to sell her

Old yeller 

Precious little yuppy

a puppy just licking the pepper from his wounds 

Jittering and jumping 

a needle that won’t find the groove

Water damaged vinyl 

from the record unexpected rainfall

water streaming through the ceiling

Bugs are creeping through my feelings

Climbing up the walls

bed bugs hiding under the skirting boards 

A frenzied little hoard

All the ants are bored

frowning at the powder I laid down for them

And then

Flick and hopper was clowning around with all his friends

Turns out woody allen and princess anna aint a pair of coke heads

Cest la vie

A bug’s life is about more than eating french bread

But Maybe it’s just that shit dont work 

And mr muscle won’t unblock the kitchen sink

Lets just go back to the drink

Easier not to think

Return to  staring at the walls 

With the Farrow and the ball 

looking much more like the clink

Stepping on the eggshell

Hoping that my little greene sex sells 

And the velvet sofa making my teeth feel like they are gonna shrink

cry a little boigois 

Long face with a streched car

Dirty fingers smoking Lavender cigars

Giving out a False calming feeling

Thats Just adding to the tar

Bubbling up like hot caviar

Popping City slickers

Living life a little thicker

Never getting quicker

Just Putting pressure on their skipping tickers

Blowing smoke up eachothers sphincters 

Big fish in the big pond

This circle of life is an oblong

And the day to day i can see straight

City life aint all great

london is a muddle a big muddy puddle that we are all swimming in 

Never subtle

i just need a cuddle

And maybe a prescription of ritalin

Can’t focus on my thoughts I’ll just lock em in a little tin

Filling in the blanks 

Minding all the gaps

Signing up for another online course

A straw that broke the camels back 

Find the twelve rules off success to bend 

All the while im probably Losing friends

Life this little.infinity pool 

I dont know when you find the end 

Just keep on swimming

Dont let the doubt in  

One more day

I just hope the camels on the mend