A new form rears its head,

You A passenger without a ticket

As you wade into this adult thicket,

Where no sapling can grow,

With little product to show,

For hours of toil,



Inky stains on brand new shoes

Maybe this was all a ruse, 

Just Another box you failed to tick 

A button you forgot to click,

A seed forgotten in the deepest furrow, 

And ploughed so far into the burrow

Where you bury your head,

Until the morning sky is red 

And the shepherds watch their flock

A tocking clock

A tolling bell

New terms caught in a panicked swell

As the conditions change

And Adulthood arrives on a bloating tide 

Youth written off on dotted lines

A little soul left in the ink

Now you sink

Into a Borrowed time

Choosing squares full of sky

Dreaming of the days and 

For which I never needed to apply

All the while

The inevitable rise

Of interest rates

And stacks of forms to sign

And you are shovelled into debt

car Insurance is just a bet,

Gambling with the government

The odds are met

With a smiling council board member


Showing blacking bureaucratic teeth

A civil servant sucking at the teet

Forms filled with a masters milk

And a vogon hold on common sense

Instead lets focus on the process

Forget the result

lets tie his hands

And give him no permission for his plans

And stick him fast in concrete sands

As the grains of sense finally flee these lands

Britain is a wailing din

Of malignant order and bubbling tin

Centralized wins

Missed notes

The sound of unpracticed violin



Burning skin

Like white hot tin

Almost all was whipped away

By vicious winds

All thats left

Instant coffee

A shitty pen

And a ton of fucking admin.

Now please give me ten to decide, 

which eye, 

I put the pen in.
